To Withstand Life's Difficulties

To Withstand Life's Difficulties

Lord, I know that you love me, help me to remember that there is nothing going to happen to me this day that you and I together cannot handle

Lord, I’m here today with open hands and an open heart, ready to depend on you to help me through the day and all it will bring my way. Help me live today in a way that brings honor to Your holy name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Always remember - God Loves you. Never feel alone and unwanted. You are a precious child of God no matter what your circumstance. He waits for you. Place your trust in Him. He will never abandon you even if you abandon yourself.       May God bless you.

Jesus said - I offer you a peace that the World cannot give,

Therefore do not let your hearts be troubled

Trust in God now and trust in Me

The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the defence of my life; Whom shall I dread? - Psalm 27:1

This is God’s love. Look at the Crucifix and say to yourself: “God loves me.” It’s true, there are these limitations, these weaknesses, these sins, but He is greater than the limitations and the weaknesses and the sins.

In our despair, we to turn to God when we need help. 

Are we asking with faith or are we perhaps using God as a last resort? Are we instructing God to help us? 

We usually don't call Him in our good times to thank Him or praise Him, but we are very quick to call him when we are in trouble. Is it just? 

We wouldn't ask help from someone we don't know because we don't trust we will receive a good answer. This is why we must love God and know Him well. God is our Father and he showers his favors on good and bad alike, He is most gracious to those who love Him. 

The good thing is that no prayer goes unanswered. Now you may say but I have prayed and didn't receive what I asked for. You may think you are right, but God always answers in some way even if it is unknown to us. In fact, when we come to Him, we are already praising Him by accepting that He is God. When we don't receive what we ask we will receive other graces that we need more urgently. At least by praying, we are before our God and He will shine His light upon our souls being pleased that at least we call Him Father. In our encounter with God in prayer, we never leave empty-handed. 

I am very sensitive to every word that you say to me, even every sigh. I listen to your heart and I feel your brokenness, I never despise your prayer. I cause my grace to flow into your life when you come to me with a humble and contrite heart. 

If you live in mortal sin you have me crucified, then how can you expect to gain my favour? I nevertheless cause my goodness to come upon you in some way, even if it is leading you to repentance. Then when you pray with sincerity and contrition I give you what your need. Many times it has been declared by the Divine Will that you must suffer in order to purify your soul, in that case, your prayer may not be answered as you expect, but my grace will flow into your life or the lives of others as a holy fountain that never dries. Prayer is the way you talk to me, so your prayers are never a waste of time. I am always listening. 

I have come here because I have problems I have decided to come to you Lord for help. I feel sometimes that my prayers are not answered and my soul is suffering. You said, come to me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

The Lord is the answer to all our needs. Let us recollect ourselves. It is time to get some relief.Let us surrender ourselves to the Divine Will and expect with confidence.

The Lord says: If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask in prayer." Mat 21:22 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matt 7:7 

The Lord says: 

He who comes to me I will never cast out. John 6:37 

In fact, I have been waiting for all eternity for you to come to me and to stay with me. For now, live the plan I have conceived for you. It is my joy to have my creature come back to me. 

Come to me! My love is patiently waiting.

We were created by God to know Him, love Him and serve Him. Our destiny is finally to come back to Him. 

Our pilgrimage on this earth is a lifetime journey, we start coming closer to God when we have a conversion and try to do God's will, we come back finally to stay at the Father's house when we pass from this life to eternity. 

Problems are unwelcome and complicated situations for most people. Many times a personal problem can be just a matter of our own personal attitude. 

The Lord says: 

'I can take care of your problems if you offer them to me. Your prayer must truly come from your heart and you must believe completely that I, the Lord, can solve any situation whatsoever. 

With me, there is no mountain too high, no distance too far, no situation too difficult. I am in full control. 

Trust me!